Jul 5, 2011

Look to the East

I usually don't like reading war stories, but this one was actually pretty good. The main character, Julitte Toussaint, is the adopted child of a French seaman. Raised with a very strong faith in God, the residents of the small town of Briecourt believe she works miracles. They are certain that when she prays, people are instantly healed, and sometimes even raised from the dead. They don't see her faith in God, only the works He preforms through her.

But, when the Germans invade their town, is Julitte's faith enough? Can she still stand strong as she watches men sign up for war? While the remaining men and boys are carted off for German work camps? While her best friend willing goes to work for the Germans, and even falls in love with one?

And what is she supposed to do with these feelings she has towards the Belgian man hiding in the church? During her secret meetings with him, she finds herself falling in love as well.

Follow Julitte's story as her faith is tested and tried. I know I enjoyed reading this book. Hopefully you will too.

Read an excerpt here. Download discussion questions here.

I received this complementary book in return for my honest review.

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